The Resilience Canopy (31 671 526 819) conducts the business of provision of training sessions and training services (Services). Any Services provided by Us (We, Our) to customers (Customer, Participant, Practitioner, Delegate, You, Your) will be provided in accordance with these terms and conditions (Terms and Conditions).
Our Service offer includes:
You are responsible for all charges and fees associated with connecting to the online training, including computer equipment, printing of materials, and travel and accommodation expenses and any other fees and charges necessary to access our Services. This includes meal expenses unless otherwise specified by Us.
Acceptance of a Booking Offer made by Us to You close 7 days prior to the first session of each scheduled training program, unless otherwise agreed to by Us. Late bookings may be accepted at Our discretion. The maximum in-take for each training session is 30 people, but may be subject to change.
By accepting a Booking Offer - Sponsored Position, You agree to commit your intent to applying the training learnings and guiding your chosen Community(s) through the six-step model to progress their resilient building futures. The steps to working alongside a Community should begin within 12 months of completing the training program.
Cancellations and Transfers:
If You are unable to attend the training session on which You are booked, You have the option to transfer Your place to another person or reschedule to another training session date. There is no administration charge to transfer or reschedule a booking. You must make any request to change your booking in writing no less than 3 days prior to the first session, which may be sent by email to training [at] In the event that the training session is cancelled by us due to low numbers or Force Majeure, You are entitled to a full training session credit which must be used within 9 months of the date of the original training session for another course offered by Us. The Credit is not transferrable for cash.
Failure to Attend:
If You fail to attend the training session on which you are booked with or without giving prior notice to Us, We reserve the right to cancel the sponsored position offer (including membership to the Canopy Collective), withhold training materials or deny a future application. If you fail to attend selected days of the training session of which you are booked, without giving notice, We may be unable to approve Your successful completion of the training session. Please contact us via email to discuss your options on training [at]
By accepting a Booking Offer from us, You agree to pay the fees listed on our website or specified in the Booking Offer.
Payment Methods:
Our preferred payment method is in full via Direct Deposit or Credit Card on receipt of a Tax Invoice. Invoices will be issued by The Resilience Canopy Limited. All Fees are quoted in Australian dollars and are inclusive of any applicable GST, except where otherwise stated. Fees must be paid in full – no part payments or instalment plans are available. Prices displayed on Our website are subject to change without notification. Payments by Credit Card incur a 1.7% surcharge of the overall fees collected by the merchant; a copy of the Tax Invoice including the Fee and any surcharge can be downloaded at the time payment is completed on the payment platform. We reserve the right to cancel an applicant’s place in a training session if the Fee is not received 3 calendar days prior to the training session commencement date. For any enquiries regarding payment please contact Us via email training [at]
Cancellation by You:
Refunds will be processed within 28 days of receiving your request via bank transfer to the original payer. If the reason you need to cancel a training session is because you have been declined a credit card, we can issue a full refund as long as you have proof that your credit card has been declined and you give us at least 14 days' notice.
Transfers to Another Person
Failure to Attend:
If You fail to attend the course on which you are booked without giving prior notice to Us, we are unable to refund the course fees or offer a transfer. If You fail to attend selected days of the course of which You are booked, with or without giving notice, We will not provide a refund (pro rate or part thereof). Please contact Us via email to discuss your options at training [at]
Cancellation or Variation by Us:
We reserve the right to cancel or postpone any training session due to insufficient enrolment by providing notice to you at least 2 days prior to the first session. In the event of cancellation by Us, you may elect to receive a full refund of fees paid or credit toward an alternative course offered by Us, which is valid for up to 9 months from the last date of the original training session. We shall not be liable to You in connection with any travel and accommodation costs incurred by You in connection with any persons attending the training session. If the entire training session or training sessions is/are cancelled by Us due to any Force Majeure Event, then You are entitled to a full training session credit which must be used within 9 months of the last date of the original training session for another training session offered by Us. We reserve the right to cancel, postpone or vary the number of sessions over which the training is delivered at Our discretion.
We expect that You will provide all reasonable co-operation with the Training Facilitators and take all reasonable actions to complete preparation work as instructed. We reserve the right to remove any delegate from a training session whose behaviour is deemed inappropriate by Us or Our Training Facilitators. In these circumstances, We will neither refund any fees nor reimburse any other costs.
We will ensure that all our Services are delivered diligently and in a good, timely and professional manner consistent with industry standards. The Services will be performed as described in the individual session agendas. We will provide such Trainers / Facilitators to present the training session as it, in its sole discretion, deems fit and we are entitled at any time to substitute any Training Facilitator with any other person who, in Our sole discretion, deem suitably qualified to present the relevant training session. We do not warrant that the provision of any content online will always be available or be uninterrupted, timely or error free, that defects will be corrected or that such content is secure or free from bugs, viruses, errors and omissions. The Training Materials may contain links to third party websites or resources which should be used at your own discretion. Links are provided for convenience only, and We do not sponsor or endorse any external website. We are not responsible for the content or reliability of any linked websites or references and cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time, or will not contain viruses.
We will not be liable for any delay or failure to perform Our obligations if such failure or delay is due to an act, omission or circumstance over which We could not reasonably have exercised control (Force Majeure Event). We will notify You as soon as practicable that We become aware of the Force Majeure Event. The performance of Our obligations under this Agreement will be suspended for the period of the delay due to Force Majeure Event. If a delay due to Force Majeure Event exceeds 60 days, We may terminate this agreement immediately on giving written notice to You. If We give such notice to You, We will refund amounts previously paid by You under this agreement for which no Services have been provided.
By submitting a Registration or Expression of Interest, You agree to receive updates about The Resilience Canopy Program via email (unsubscribe at any time) and acknowledge that personal data collected through this process by Us is for administration and communication only.
We are committed to protecting Your privacy and security. For more information, You should review Our Privacy Policy . By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you also consent to the collection and use of your Personal Information in accordance with the Privacy Policy We may collect information about You in connection with the performance of this Agreement and the Services. Information collected and held about You and Your Associates may be used by Us in connection with the performance of Our obligations under this Agreement (including provision of the Services). We may disclose such information to Our related bodies corporate and contractors for the purposes of performing the Services. Under the Privacy Act 1988(Cth), individuals have rights of access to, and correction of, their personal information. We will comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and any applicable regulations and codes in connection with the collection and use such information.
Any Information, documents or materials is provided as an open source with the intent of being freely available and shared with the general public for use or modification. Recognition of The Resilience Canopy when applying the materials and information is requested. The materials contain information of a general nature only. Any information or data contained in the materials is not intended to replace or serve as a substitute for any professional or expert advice, consultation or service and must not be relied upon as such.
We do not accept responsibility for anyone acting as a result of information in, or views expressed on its training training session including training session materials. Opinions expressed are those of individual Trainers / Facilitators and not necessarily those of Us.
You agree to fully indemnify and hold Us harmless against any expenses, costs, loss (including consequential loss) or damage that You may suffer or incur as a result of or in connection with Your use of, access to or conduct in connection with the Services, including any breach by You of these Terms.
Either party may require any dispute between the parties arising out of or connected to this Agreement (Dispute), which has not been resolved within 14 days, to be referred to the senior management of the respective parties.
If You breach these Terms, We may without prior notice block or limit your access to the Services, take legal action against You and/or refuse to provide You with any professional services.