Communities need to be able to lead their own future-ready discussions, that's why we provide training.
What characteristics does a resilient Canopy Community have in common? Connection, respect, empowerment, and wisdom, also known as CREW.
Social connection has a critical role in creating communities that are resilient to shocks and stresses – with neighbours and friends, and also people with influence
Along with inclusion, the circle of respect (giving and receiving) is an important characteristic of resilience to ensure everyone is listening to all those involved
Create the space and opportunities for community to take on challenges and solve them in their own ways
Beyond knowledge, wisdom is the communities’ capacity to act with insight and experience
The Six-Step Future Ready Communities Model is a community engagement approach designed to support the true meaning of community-led resilience building. Each of the Six-Steps are designed to unpack community aspirations and lead them through the decisions and actions that will make the greatest impact.